Showing posts with label Internet Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What is Difference Between Pixel and Resolution

What is Difference Between Pixel and Resolution

Resolution Vs Pixel Density in Displays

Pixel vs Resolution

Summary: Difference Between Pixel and Resolution is that pixel is the smallest element in an electronic image. The greater the number of pixels the camera uses to capture a picture, the better the quality of the picture. While Resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device. A digital camera’s resolution is defined in pixels.


A pixel (short for picture element) is the smallest element in an electronic image. The greater the number of pixels the camera uses to capture a picture, the better the quality of the picture. Digital camera resolutions range from about 4 million to more than 16 million pixels (MP).
Usually displays are measured in size(in centimeters and inches). Here we only measure the diagonal size and not the horizontal or vertical size of the screen. There is also another important property of display which is the resolution. Resolution refers to size of the display in terms of pixels. E.g. Resolution of 800×600 pixels means that the there are 800 pixels horizontally and 600 pixels vertically. So therefore there are a total of 480000 pixel in the display.
Pixel is just an element of the picture that plays an important role to complete the image. The word ‘pixel’ was first published by Frederic C. Billingsley in 1965. The measurement of the screen can be described through pixels. Hence, the size of the image also depends on the number of pixels, the larger the number of pixels your image is having the greater the size will be.

Pixel Density

Many of us are not aware of the importance of Pixel Density in displays. It is the thing which describes the sharpness and clarity. Pixel Density is usually measured in PPI (Pixels Per Inch) which refers to number of pixels present per inch on the display. Higher the pixel density higher is the sharpness of the content. Pixel Density is calculated based on the resolution and size of the display.
Pixel Density= Root((Horizontal Number of Pixel^2) + (Vertical Number of Pixel^2))/Screen Size


One factor that affects the quality of digital camera photos is its resolution. Resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device. A digital camera’s resolution is defined in pixels. Resolution is made up of all the elements (pixels) combined together to form a quality image. The greater the resolution is the better you will get the quality of your picture. Resolution describes the elements or pixels in an image. You can measure resolution in three difference ways, Sample per inch (spi, scanners) or Pixel per inch (ppi, monitors) or Dots per inch (dpi, printers).

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Set Specific country Target in Google Webmaster Tools for website

Geo targeting or geographic target setting is the option for webmasters to link targeted geographic location of traffic to their sites in Webmaster Tools account. This helps Google to determine the search results for a specific geographic location.

Google Webmaster
Geographic setting is one of the tools Google uses to determine the top search results for a particular country hence Google search results will vary from country to country for the same keywords.

Domains and Geographic Settings
All the country specific domains like .us (Unites States), .in (India) or .ca (Canada) are by default linked to a particular country and hence there will not be an additional geographic targeting option required for these domains. This means for country specific domains you will not see a “Geographic Target” setting option in your Google Webmaster Tools.

The generic top level domains like .com, .net, .info or .org are not linked with any countries in specific. Hence Google provides an option to add a geographic target for the webmasters owning a generic top level domain.

If there is no geographic location set for a generic top level domain site in Webmaster Tools account then Google uses various other data like server location and information on Google Places before displaying it in the search result pages. If your site is not linked with any geography and you changed your hosting provider then it is recommended that you inform Google about the new location of your server through geographic target setting. This will help Google to re-determine the position of your site in the search results for geographically restricted searches.

How to Set a Geographic Target?

1. Login to your Webmaster Tools account and select the site. You need to have your site verified successfully in order to use this option.
2. Go to 'Search Traffic'
3. Click on 'International Targeting'
4. Set the Geographic target by selecting the country from the drop-down.
Select “choice country” if you do not want to link your site with any of the geographic locations.

Google Webmaster

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Do's and don'ts for every Android user

There are a lot of choices when it comes to making your Android phone all it can be, and a lot of nuance about which are the “best” choices to make. Everyone has an opinion about the best apps, home screen layouts, launchers, and so on. However, there are some enduring certainties that cannot be avoided. Here are “do’s” and “don’ts” for every Android user.

Do: Configure data usage limits

Don’t go over your monthly allotment again.
Every Android phone has a tool in the main system settings to monitor and limit your data usage. In this age of limited data plans, you should probably take a moment to set that up as soon as possible. You can set your monthly billing cycle date, data limit, and configure a warning when you’re near your limit. There’s even a setting to disable data so you don’t end up with overages, if that’s something your carrier does.
Don’t: Use third-party lock screens

The stock lock screen is always more secure and stable than its replacements.

Many parts of your phone can be customized extensively, and you can even replace things you don’t like. There’s one component that you ought to leave alone—the lock screen. The Play Store offers a heap of replacement lock screen apps, but there’s no official method for replacing the Android lock screen. 
That means all those apps are just messy hacks that require you sacrifice security. The method they use to take over the screen when you wake the phone is also likely to cause lag. When it comes to the lock screen, you should just make do with the limited customization options included with your phone.

Do: Set up and Use ‘OK Google’

DO: Delete all unnecessary apps, media, and content
Smartphones are just like any other computer. While flash drives don’t work like today’s typical hard drives, they still do slow down when you have more data on them. The easiest way to improve smartphone performance for your Android device is to get rid of all unnecessary material. Not only will doing so speed up the phone itself, but it’ll also speed up your workflow. Instead of having 50 to 60 apps to sort through, just keeping the bare essentials and getting rid of everything else will speed up your usage.

DON’T: Update to brand new versions of Android

While we all want the latest and greatest software and features, they typically slow down devices. This issue isn’t exclusive to smartphones; the recently released OS X Yosemite beta brought a noticeable lag to some MacBooks in addition to the new features.

With Android, you may not even be given the option of whether you want to update software to a new version or not. But if and when you do, take heed: making a significant upgrade will always slow down the phone. The bigger the software update, the slower the phone is likely to become. Wait and see if anyone else who has same phone and has completed the update runs into issues before jumping on board yourself.

DO: Close any apps that you use infrequently, and use lighter apps for the services you need

Android has a number of strengths over iOS and other mobile platforms. One of the best is multitasking, Android can run a variety of applications at once. On older Android phones that may not be a good thing, because as the software improves and becomes more hardware-intensive, your phone remains the same. If you notice things are slower, close whatever you aren’t using.

On that point, there are plenty of different apps that can be used for the same purpose. You may have one web browser built in, plus Chrome, Opera, and Dolphin; multiple chat apps; multiple phone apps; picture apps; Twitter apps; etc. As mentioned above, there’s no reason to have multiple versions of the same app. 

When you decide what to keep and what to drop, remember that some apps are slower than others, and keep the one that best suits your needs along with the speed you require. For example, stick with the stock Twitter app versus Carbon, or Opera instead of Chrome.

DON’T: Run applications off of an external memory card

Android’s expandable memory is a useful feature for many users, but those memory cards are always going to be slower than the phone’s built-in flash drive. If you have a memory card, use it for music, video, and other media. Running apps from an external memory card is just fine, but it will work slower because your phone has to take more time to move it from the external card to internal RAM, and when you close the app, your phone will have to do the process in reverse, too. So run apps straight from the phone, and leave media on the external media card.

DO: Close all applications and reboot the phone once a week

Even on brand new smartphones, eventual slowdown is bound to happen. Mobile operating systems aren’t mature enough to handle data and memory management as well as, say, Windows 7. So even if you’re diligent about closing apps, managing your phone properly, never pushing it too hard, or anything else, eventually it’ll need a fresh reset to clear out the cobwebs.

With older phones, you’ll need to do reboots more often. Make sure to close all apps first, because all of that app data is saved prior to shutting off. Closing apps before turning off the phone will improve smartphone performance because it forces the phone to save information immediately, so when you reboot, the device will be fresh and not cluttered with all of those apps starting up from their last place.

Instant voice search from anywhere!

The “OK Google” hotword is the quickest way to start a voice search on Android, and it’s something you should take advantage of. The options available to you vary a bit from one device to the next, but you should at least be able to speak “OK Google” when the device is awake to open a voice search (called OK Google Everywhere). 
To enable this feature, go to the Google app and open your voice settings to train it with your voice. Some devices (like the Nexus 6) even have the ability to listen for OK Google while the screen is off.

Don’t: Install APKs from untrusted sources

Be careful what you sideload!
One of the cool things about Android is that you can get apps from a variety of sources outside of Google Play, like Amazon and the open source F-Droid repository. However, with great power comes great responsibility.

Don’t go around installing any APK you find posted on a forum, and definitely don’t try to load pirated apps and games on your phone. That’s a great way to end up with malware and spam. You can leave the Unknown sources toggle off in the security settings if you don’t plan to sideload any apps outside of Google Play.

Do: Disable unwanted apps

Get out of here with that junk.
Virtually every phone and tablet comes with at least a few built-in apps you don’t want or need. Even if you never use them, they’ll still sit there in your app drawer, and some will even start up in the background. Often, you won't be able to delete the app if you don't want it. This is particularly common with carrier account management apps.

If you don’t want them, just disable them. You won’t need to root or do anything fancy, just open your system settings and find the app manager (the location within Settings varies by device, unfortunately). Scroll through the list and tap on the offending apps to open the info page. There you’ll see the disable button. Easy.

Don’t: Kill background tasks

This will do more harm than good.
Despite what you’ve heard, Android manages its background tasks just fine. You don’t need a task manager app or anything that claims to speed up your phone by clearing RAM. When a process isn’t needed, Android is smart enough to end it. In fact, micromanaging tasks will cause the phone to slow down because most of the processes these apps kill are simply going to start up again and draw more power in the process.

Do: Set a secure lock screen and use Smart Lock

Security and convenience? Sign me up!
One of Android’s best features is Smart Lock (Android 5.0 and higher only), and it means there’s no excuse whatsoever to put off using a secure lock screen. You can set a pattern or PIN lock screen to keep out unauthorized snoops, then use smart lock to automatically go back to the faster swipe unlock when certain conditions are met. For example, keep the swipe screen active when you’re at home, but if you’re out, the secure lock screen takes over. You can also use trusted Bluetooth devices or even your face to keep the phone unlocked when it’s convenient.

Don’t: Use third-party antivirus apps

This is just redundant.
The internet can be a scary place, and the often sensationalist coverage of Android security issues doesn’t really help. Many phones even come with antivirus apps pre-installed. Frankly, you don’t need them. They’ll just sit in the background and waste processor cycles to scan all the apps you install, even though Google is already scanning them automatically via Play Services. Your phone is better off without a third-party antivirus app.

Do: Plan ahead with Device Manager

Google includes lost phone features as part of all Android devices with Device Manager, which you can access from any computer or phone on the Device Manager website. If you ever lose track of your phone, this tool can track it, make it ring, lock it down, and even remotely delete everything if you don’t think it’s ever coming home. Just make sure you’ve got full administrator access enabled for Device Manager in the settings. Go to Security and find the Phone administrators menu. Make sure Device Manager is checked, and you’re good to go.

Don’t: Reset your phone right after changing your Google password

Device protection is disabled by the OEM unlock toggle.
Google added the device protection system in Android 5.1 to make a stolen phone useless to thieves. Android now asks for the login info from the last Google account used on a device after a reset when Device Protection is enabled. A fair number of devices already support it, and almost every phone and tablet will have this feature by default going forward. 

Phone slow? quick fixes to make your Android phone fast again

The Mobile devices optionally show fatal errors that let the user get irritated with the slowdown fact. Continuous usage as we discussed brings down the computing devices to slower mode, the reason behind this is not to wear and tear of the device.

All computing/Mobile devices slow down with the use. No, it has nothing to with the wear and tear. There is no such thing in the world of software and the in most cases the electronic components are very resilient. If they work well, they tend to keep on working. 
The computers, laptops, phones, tablets etc slow down with the use because they accumulate data and junk. They also slow down because when there are too many apps, which you will have on your phone after you have used for a year or two, the computing resources like RAM and internal storage becomes scarce.

This is the reason why some months after you bought your shiny new phone you start feeling that it has become very slow. When the phone was new, it was very fast. But now you start perceiving lag, start seeing apps load slowly. What is the solution?

We tell you quick fixes that would make your phone fast again, almost as fast as it was when you had bought it.

Get rid of launchers: If you have installed any custom launchers on your phone, you should get rid of them. Launchers, even the best ones often slow down the phone. The only acceptable reason to use launchers is when the stock launcher is not good and is slow, which can be the case if you have a phone made by Chinese or Indian companies etc. On some occasions the software that these companies put in their phones is not optimised well enough and in that case it is a good idea to use a third-party launcher.

But be careful if you are going to use a third-party launcher. Don't go overbroad and just stick to one launcher. If you don't like the one you are using, uninstall it before installing the other one.

Get rid of the security apps- The fact can’t be denied that, the Android may have some security related bugs as like any of the other operating systems. Bt it is wise not to use the security apps. This is said by Google itself in past days. The security apps mostly don’t do anything they just acquire space in the RAM that results in the device to operate slowly. You need to follow the safe practices to keep your phone safe. Note: Never install an app from an inferior looking website.

Get rid of the apps that optimize: You must be aware that the Nexus phones don’t have any optimizing app but even though they are the fastest Android devices. This confirms that no optimizing app is required for your Android phone and Android has an inbuilt mechanism for optimizing self. You need to get rid of such apps if you have one on your device.

Remove unwanted apps: Go to Settings > Apps and scroll through the list. We don't realise but as we use the phone we often install apps that we don't need, or may be not even use, and then forget to uninstall them. Clean the list now and remove any apps that you don't need.

Free up storage: When internal storage is full in a phone it can have significant effect on the phone's performance because fuller disks have slow read and write data speed. This introduces lag into the phone. Delete the unwanted data (apps, videos, photos) from your phone or copy the data into a computer to free up space on your phone's storage.

Make apps behave: Some apps are necessary but they can also be annoying. For example, an e-retail app. You need it. But don't need it daily and you definitely don't want it to always run in the background. Go to the Settings > Apps and force stop the app you don't want to run in the background. Don't worry, when you need the app you can just tap on its icon and open it. It will again start functioning.

Clear app cache: Apps like the Facebook tend to collect and store a lot of data in their cache. Over a period of time, this can start overwhelming phone's hardware. If you see the apps that are crashing again and again and have become particularly slow, clear their cache and stored data. To clear cache, go to Settings > Apps. Once you clear the cache, you may have to log into the said apps again and you will lose data (like WhatsApp images) stored by these apps on your phone. But clearing this cache can often speed up the phone.

Reboot: Have you ever gone through the words “Reboot the device or turn it off and on again” Yes, this term means simple but often works. If you don’t ever switch off your phone then, reboot it and see the result. This clears the RAM and shuts the unnecessary apps.

Clear the Phone’s Cache even: You have gone through the process of clearing apps Cache but clearing the Phone’s cache is different than this. Clear up the system-wide cache freshen up the phone, for getting into the process you need to go to the recovery mode.

Do the factory reset: Once again, you should exercise this as the last option. Doing a factory reset means deleting everything you have done on the phone since you bought it and resorting it to its original software. This clears all the data on the phone and gives you a device that would feel refreshingly new even if its body bears marks of overuse. 

While factory reset is a fairly good solution to a phone that has become unbearably slow, it also means that you will have to install all your apps again and set up the whole phone again. You can reset a phone by navigating to Settings > Backup And Reset.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Affiliate Marketing Summit West 2017

During January 15-17, more than 6,000 digital marketers from over 70 countries will gather at the Paris Las Vegas hotel for the performance marketing industry's premier global event, Affiliate Summit West 2017.

These high-level decision makers will come looking for online publishers, traffic sources, retailers, networks, technology firms, digital agencies and other solution providers. And if you're an Affiliate Summit attendee, it could be you that they find.

There is no substitute for being here, demonstrating your solutions and building face-to-face relationships. The top companies and key decision makers in the space come to Affiliate Summit. Show them what you've got and what they're missing.

January 15, 2017 - January 17, 2017

Las Vegas

Paris Las Vegas Hotel

Affiliate Marketing Summit West 2017

Affiliate Summit West 2017 (#ASW17) is taking place on January 15-17, 2017 at Paris Las Vegas Hotel.
The conference and tradeshow offers attendees:
  • three tradeshow areas packed with affiliates, merchants, vendors, networks, technology providers, digital agencies, traffic sources;
  • multiple tracks of relevant educational sessions delivered by industry experts;
  • a variety of networking events;
  • and online tools to help you connect with other attendees before, during and after the event.
Expected Attendance: 6,000+
  • Early check-in: January 14, 12:00 PM
  • Conference start: January 15, 10:00 AM
  • Conference end: January 17, 4:00 PM

The Affiliate Summit West 2017 Agenda is now live and is packed with sessions that will help better understand the evolving landscape of affiliate marketing.
Don't forget that Affiliate Summit offers two pass types: VIP and Networking.
Review the benefits included with each pass type here to ensure that you have purchased the right pass for the sessions and events that you wish to access.



Two pass types are available for Affiliate Summit West 2017 - VIP and Networking.
To help you choose the pass type that is right for you, refer to the Pass Comparison Chart below and then register here.
Registering 5 or more attendees?  Check out our Group Rates at the bottom of this section.

Call 417-2SUMMIT (278-6648) for instructions on booking at group rates below.

Group Rates


   Group rate for 5-9 Passes
   20% off
   Group rate for 10 or more Passes
   25% off

Register now for Affiliate Summit West 2017

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Best programming tutorial websites.

There are many websites are available which provides the platform for participating in coding challenges. Following website which help you to prove your coding skills.

programming tutorial
Codecademy will start you off right, try the Python track.
Once you're done there you should have a basic understanding and you could then start learning the important things like data structures and algorithms at this site. Or before heading off to data structures and algorithms you could read Learn Python The Hard Way for free, and then learn data structures. 

If you want to learn something like C or C++ you should just buy a book. Have a look here for a comprehensive list: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List.

If you want to learn Java then you could try Lynda.com's Java Essential Training.

Top coder is the one of the best websites that are providing the online platform to solve puzzles and also provide cash money if you won one of the challenges. It provides both monthly and weekly challenges.

This is the highly quality website and provides SaaS application to test the logical and technical skills of candidates. It also provides the platform for good programmers to get hired through good companies.

It is the most popular website in the world. This website provides critical thinking and problem-solving behavior through different challenges which help you to learn more about the programming language that you’re using.

This is the best platform for aspiring programmers. New challenges are added every month and also small programming challenges are added in the middle of the month. This website also provides the platform for practice and discussion of the various concepts of programming.

This web application helps the people to improve their programming skills and also provides some courses that can help the peoples in their job interview. This website offers coding challenges in the different programming language like javascript, python, ruby, PHP, java, c, c++.

It provides wonderful discussion board which helps you to learn more about programming and problem solving. In this, you can get three unique problems to solve per week. It is highly recommended.

This web application offers you to solve the programming challenges and get hired by top companies like Zenefits and Quora.

This platform is used by developers to show their skills. In this developers participate in product/app building competitions and win cash/prizes. They can also solve the programming challenges to make the better impression on the employers.

This offers the platform for users to solve the programming challenges and also help the companies to hire the best coders.

Code wars offer users to take part in different programming challenges with different programming languages like Javascript, Ruby, Python, CoffeeScript, Java, C# etc.

What are the pros and cons of choosing .com versus .org for a website domain name?

The extension .COM is widely used for commercial purposes throughout the world. Companies prefer domain names .COM because they are a recognized symbol of a business and commercial presence. The domain name extension .COM became the most popular gTLDs (Generic top-level domain), and is used by the vast majority of registered domain names today.

The domain extension .NET is most often used by websites, Internet service providers, web hosting companies and infrastructure of Internet-related businesses. It stands for "network" and is also accessible throughout the world. There are no restrictions on registering a domain with this extension, such as those for extensions .GOV and .EDU for example. Another common use for the domain name extension. NET are some of the companies who choose .NET for the intranet.

.ORG (organization) and is also available globally. Sites of nonprofits, NGOs and trade associations are the most common users of this extension. Currently, is a tendency people starting businesses and registering domains with various extensions to ensure users have more than one way to access the desired domain (they can be redirected to the main domain, from one of the secondary domains). In addition, the generic top level domain .COM, .NET e. ORG are used for any purpose worldwide and there are no restrictions in their use (some others, such as .EDU and .GOV, need permission to be used).

The important thing is: are you considering to choose a .NET, .ORG, because the .COM domain name is already registered by another person? That would be a huge con, considering you would be competing for users with the .COM domain owner. That's not a good idea.

Also, people tend to assume that a domain name whose extension they don't remember is probably .COM. So, they will go for .COM and may end up reaching your competitor's website.

Anyway, if possible:

- find a unique and exclusive domain name, so you don't have to worry about competition over the name or visitors that go to the wrong site

- buy the .COM. and .NET domain name (consider buying other extension if you really wnat to have exclusivity). That will prevent futures problems.

- find out in which of these groups your company/website fits: commercial (technology, products, services, e-business), non-profit, governmental, educational, other. 

In the long run, the purpose of having different domain extensions is to keep things organized, make easier for users to find what they are looking for. In theory, since today we have a large number of websites whose domain names don't exactly follow these "rules", if we can say so.

.com = For commercial purpose, if you intend to create your own site for business point of view as well as to deliver your services.
.org= Purely for Organization or Institution can be profit or non-profit.
.net = If you business is based on information technology or digital world.
.info = If your site is informational and you publish posts purely based on delivering info to your subscribers.

.com , .net and .org all top level domain so no need to worry about from domain name extension. Just focus on your website's quality content and SEO.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Google AdSense Online Terms of Service

Google AdSense Online Terms of Service
Last modified 2013-04-16.
1.    Welcome to AdSense!
Thank you for your interest in our search and advertising services (the “Services”)!  
By using our Services, you agree to these terms (the “AdSense Terms”), the AdSense Program Policies, and the Google Branding Guidelines (collectively, the “Agreement”). If ever in conflict, to the extent of such conflict, the AdSense Terms will take precedence over any other terms of the Agreement. Please read the Agreement carefully.

As used in the Agreement, “you” or “publisher” means the individual or entity using the Services (and/or any individual, entity or successor entity, agency or network acting on your behalf), “we”, “us” or “Google” means Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., and the “parties” means you and Google.
2.    Access to the Services; AdSense Accounts
Your use of the Services is subject to your creation and our approval of an AdSense account (an “Account”). We have the right to refuse or limit your access to the Services. By submitting an application to use the Services, if you are an individual, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age. You may only have one Account.

By enrolling in AdSense, you permit Google to serve, as applicable, (i) advertisements and other content (“Ads”), (ii) Google search boxes and search results and (iii) related search queries and other links to your websites, mobile applications, media players, mobile content and/or other properties approved by Google (each individually a “Property”). In addition, you grant Google the right to access, index and cache the Properties or any portion thereof, including by automated means. Google may refuse to provide the Services to any Property.

Any Property that is a software application and accesses our Services (a) may require preapproval by Google in writing, and (b) must comply with Google’s Software Principles.
3.    Using our Services
You may use our Services only as permitted by this Agreement and any applicable laws. Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.

You may discontinue your use of any Service at any time by removing the relevant code from your Properties.
4.    Changes to our Services; Changes to the Agreement
We are constantly changing and improving our Services. We may add or remove functionalities or features of the Services at any time, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether.
We may modify the Agreement at any time. We’ll post any modifications to the AdSense Terms on this page and any modifications to the AdSense Program Policies or the Google Branding Guidelines on their respective pages. Changes will not apply retroactively and generally will become effective 30 days after they are posted. However, changes addressing new functions for a Service or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. If you don’t agree to any modified terms in the Agreement, you’ll have to stop using the affected Services.
5.    Payments
Subject to this Section 5 and Section 10 of these AdSense Terms, you will receive a payment related to the number of valid clicks on Ads displayed on your Properties, the number of valid impressions of Ads displayed on your Properties or other valid events performed in connection with the display of Ads on your Properties, in each case as determined by Google.

Except in the event of termination, we will pay you by the end of the calendar month following any calendar month in which the earned balance in your Account equals or exceeds the applicable payment threshold. If you implement search Services, our payments may be offset by any applicable fees for such Services.

Unless expressly authorised in writing by Google, you may not enter into any type of arrangement with a third party where that third party receives payments made to you under the Agreement or other financial benefit in relation to the Services.
Payments will be calculated solely based on our accounting. Payments to you may be withheld to reflect or adjusted to exclude any amounts refunded or credited to advertisers and any amounts arising from invalid activity, as determined by Google in its sole discretion. Invalid activity is determined by Google in all cases and includes, but is not limited to, (i) spam, invalid queries, invalid impressions or invalid clicks on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated program or similar device, including through any clicks or impressions originating from your IP addresses or computers under your control; (ii) clicks solicited or impressions generated by payment of money, false representation or requests for end users to click on Ads or take other actions; (iii) Ads served to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled and (iv) clicks or impressions co-mingled with a significant amount of the activity described in (i, ii and iii) above.

In addition to our other rights and remedies, we may (a) withhold and offset any payments owed to you under the Agreement against any fees that you owe us under the Agreement or any other agreement, or (b) require you to refund us within 30 days of any invoice, any amounts we may have overpaid to you in prior periods. If you dispute any payment made or withheld relating to the Services, you must notify Google in writing within 30 days of any such payment. If you do not, any claim relating to the disputed payment is waived. If an advertiser whose Ads are displayed on any Property defaults on payment to Google, we may withhold payment or charge back your account.

To ensure proper payment, you are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate contact and payment information in your Account. You are responsible for any charges assessed by your bank or payment provider.
6. Taxes
As between you and Google, Google is responsible for all taxes (if any) associated with the transactions between Google and advertisers in connection with Ads displayed on the Properties. You are responsible for all taxes (if any) associated with the Services, other than taxes based on Google’s net income. All payments to you from Google in relation to the Services will be treated as inclusive of tax (if applicable) and will not be adjusted. If Google is obligated to withhold any taxes from its payments to you, Google will notify you of this and will make the payments net of the withheld amounts. Google will provide you with original or certified copies of tax payments (or other sufficient evidence of tax payments) if any of these payments are made by Google.
7.    Intellectual Property; Brand Features
Other than as set out expressly in the Agreement, neither party will acquire any right, title or interest in any intellectual property rights belonging to the other party or to the other party’s licensors.

If Google provides you with software in connection with the Services, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence for use of such software. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided by Google, in the manner permitted by the Agreement. You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or lease any part of our Services or included software, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of that software, unless laws prohibit those restrictions or you have our written permission. You will not remove, obscure or alter Google’s copyright notice, Brand Features or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within any Google services, software or documentation.

We grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence to use Google’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features (“Brand Features”) solely in connection with your use of the Services and in accordance with the Agreement and the Google Branding Guidelines. We may revoke this licence at any time. Any goodwill arising from your use of Google’s Brand Features will belong to Google.

We may include your name and Brand Features in our presentations, marketing materials, customer lists and financial reports.
8.    Privacy
Our privacy policy explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. By using our Services, you agree that Google can use such data in accordance with our privacy policy.

You will ensure that at all times you use the Services, the Properties have a clearly labelled and easily accessible privacy policy that provides end users with clear and comprehensive information about cookies, device-specific information, location information and other information stored on, accessed on, or collected from end users’ devices in connection with the Services, including, as applicable, information about end users’ options for cookie management. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that an end user gives consent to the storing and accessing of cookies, device-specific information, location information or other information on the end user's device in connection with the Services where such consent is required by law.
9.    Confidentiality
You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without our prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes: (a) all Google software, technology and documentation relating to the Services; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance as pertaining to the Services; (c) the existence of, and information about, beta features in a Service and (d) any other information made available by Google that is marked confidential or would normally be considered confidential under the circumstances in which it is presented. Google Confidential Information does not include information that you already knew prior to your use of the Services, that becomes public through no fault of yours, that was independently developed by you, or that was lawfully given to you by a third party. Notwithstanding this Section 9, you may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments resulting from your use of the Services.
10. Termination
You may terminate the Agreement at any time by completing the account cancellation process. The Agreement will be considered terminated within 10 working days of Google's receipt of your notice. If you terminate the Agreement and your earned balance equals or exceeds the applicable threshold, we will pay you your earned balance within approximately 90 days after the end of the calendar month in which the Agreement is terminated. Any earned balance below the applicable threshold will remain unpaid.

Google may at any time terminate the Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Property in the Services for any reason. The parties agree to waive any provisions of local law which may limit, restrict, require a court order or otherwise inhibit Google’s ability to terminate this Agreement at its sole discretion. If we terminate the Agreement due to your breach or due to invalid activity, we may withhold unpaid amounts or charge back your account. If you breach the Agreement or Google suspends or terminates your Account, you (i) will not be allowed to create a new Account and (ii) may not be permitted to monetise content on other Google products.
11.  Indemnity
You agree to indemnify and defend Google, its affiliates, agents and advertisers from and against any and all third-party claims and liabilities arising out of or related to the Properties, including any content served on the Properties that is not provided by Google, your use of the Services, or your breach of any term of the Agreement. Google’s advertisers are third-party beneficiaries of this indemnity.
12. Representations; Warranties; Disclaimers
You represent and warrant that (i) you have full power and authority to enter into the Agreement; (ii) you are the owner of, or are legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of, each Property; (iii) you are the technical and editorial decision maker in relation to each Property on which the Services are implemented and that you have control over the way in which the Services are implemented on each Property; (iv) Google has never previously terminated or otherwise disabled an AdSense account created by you due to your breach of the Agreement or due to invalid activity; (v) entering into or performing under the Agreement will not violate any agreement that you have with a third party or any third-party rights and (vi) all of the information provided by you to Google is correct and current.



Nothing in this Agreement, including Sections 11, 12 and 13, shall exclude or limit Google’s warranty or liability for losses which may not be lawfully excluded or limited by applicable law. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or conditions or the limitation or exclusion of liability for loss or damage caused by negligence, breach of contract or breach of implied terms or incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, only the limitations which are lawful in your jurisdiction will apply to you and Google’s liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.
13. Limitation of Liability
14. Miscellaneous
Entire Agreement; Amendments.  The Agreement is our entire agreement relating to your use of the Services and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements on that subject. This Agreement may be amended (i) in a writing signed by both parties that expressly states that it is amending the Agreement, or (ii) as set forth in Section 4, if you keep using the Services after Google modifies the Agreement.

Assignment.  You may not assign or transfer any of your rights under the Agreement.
Independent Contractors.  The parties are independent contractors and the Agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture.
No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Other than as set forth in Section 11, this Agreement does not create any third-party beneficiary rights.
No Waiver.  Other than as set forth in Section 5, the failure of either party to enforce any provision of the Agreement will not constitute a waiver.
Severability.  If it turns out that a particular term of the Agreement is not enforceable, the balance of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
Survival.  Sections 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 of these AdSense Terms will survive termination.
Governing Law; Venue.  All claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Services will be governed by California law, excluding California’s conflict of laws rules. The parties will try in good faith to settle any dispute relating to the Agreement (“Dispute”) within 30 days after such Dispute arises. If the Dispute is not resolved within 30 days, it must be resolved by arbitration by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution of the American Arbitration Association and conducted in accordance with its Expedited Commercial Rules in force as of the date of the Agreement. There will be one arbitrator selected by mutual agreement of the parties. The arbitration will be conducted in English in Santa Clara County, California, USA. Either party may apply to any court having jurisdiction for injunctive relief necessary to protect its rights pending resolution of the arbitration. Any decision rendered by the arbitrator will be final and binding on the parties, and judgment thereon may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator may order equitable or injunctive relief consistent with the remedies and limitations in the Agreement. All information disclosed in connection with the arbitration, including the existence of the arbitration, will be Confidential Information governed by the confidentiality provision of Section 9. The parties may, however, disclose such information to an appropriate court under confidentiality restrictions, as necessary to seek enforcement of any arbitration award or judgment or to seek any relief permitted under the terms hereof.

Force Majeure.  Neither party will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, act of war or terrorism, riot, labour condition, governmental action and Internet disturbance) that was beyond the party’s reasonable control.

Communications.  In connection with your use of the Services, we may contact you regarding service announcements, administrative messages and other information. You may opt out of some of those communications in your Account settings. For information about how to contact Google, please visit our contact page.
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15. Service-Specific Terms
If you choose to implement any of the following Services on a Property, you also agree to the additional terms identified below:

Custom Search Engine: the Custom Search Engine Terms of Service.